Concurrent bladder neoplasm and giant bladder stone are rare in contemporary urological practice. Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is rare histologic diagnosis of bladder cancer.
A 45 y.o. male, with lower abdominal pain when urinating, that comes and goes in the last 35 years. He had gross hematuria a year ago. The patient comes from a rural region, which undiagnosed for years. Physical examination showed a suprapubic abdominal solid mass, sized 20 × 10 cm, without tenderness. On plain radiography, showed radiopaque lesion which fully occupies the bladder. The ultrasound showed bilateral hydronephrosis. The patient underwent vesicolithotomy, and a giant bladder stone (size of 14 × 9 cm) was found, with incidental finding of suspicious malignant mass. The patient refuses radical cystectomy. Due to mass characteristics that are manageable for complete excision and the need for histopathological studies, bladder preservative therapy was applied with complete tumor excision and biopsy. The mass pathological diagnosis is grade 2 squamous cell carcinoma with lamina muscularis invasion, staged pT3bN0M0. The patient underwent cisplatin-based chemotherapy, with regular evaluation. The possibility of future radical cystectomy remains open.
By diameter, the stones found in our patient is perhaps one of the largest that ever reported being associated with bladder SCC. The bladder stones causing chronic mucosal injury, lead to the development of SCC. In limited situation, bladder preservation therapy may be considered for muscle-invasive bladder cancer.
Despite its rarity, SCC along with the chronic bladder stone is possible, and needs more attention.
