Currently, there are no effectively working devices for self-orientation of the blind (including those who have lost their eyes anatomically).
To develop a device for helping people with no eyes orient themselves by analyzing the brightness of the light surrounding the user and recording the preserved activity of the oculomotor muscles.
The described device is intended for environmental orientation of blind people who have lost both eye organs anatomically. It consists of the following elements: 1) a video camera with glasses and an information analysis unit (computer with transmitting devices); 2) an eye prosthesis in which microcircuits and a power source are sealed. The user receives the information received by the video camera and the correspondingly processed information by supplying short-term electrical pulses from the electrodes situated on the back surface of the prosthesis.
In laboratory conditions, the devices allowed registration of – as example – the direction of a light source coming from the window in a room or a passing car.
The device will become available for intended usage after carrying out all the prescribed tests and registering in accordance with the established procedures.
About The Expert
S L Zavadski