Consumption of red meat has been associated with the risks of colorectal cancer (CRC), cardiovascular disease (CVD), foodborne-pathogen related diseases and with the potential benefit obtained by reduction of iron deficiency anemia (IDA). Based on probabilistic models, current risks and benefit for the French population were aggregated into a single metric, the disability adjusted life years (DALY). In France, per 100,000 people, current red meat consumption was responsible for a mean of 19 DALYs due to CRC, 21 DALYs to CVD and 7 DALYs to foodborne diseases. Current consumption of iron throughout the diet led to a mean of 15 DALYs due to IDA. To mitigate the risks, scenarios were built per sub-population of age and gender. Among adult and elderly population, the big meat eaters would benefit to adhere to the current recommendation (less than 500 g/w): the risks of CRC and CVD would decrease. Regarding IDA (scenario built with fixed ground beef amount), for young population, a consumption of 375g/w would be sufficient to eliminate the burden while for 25-44 years-old females, 455g/w would reduce IDA, but not entirely. This study highlighted the importance of assessing health risk-benefit per sub-populations and the necessity of communicating the results accordingly.
