Although several variants of Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) have been described, they are uncommon, and the atypical clinical presentation of patients makes the diagnosis challenging. This article reports a case of acute bulbar palsy plus (ABPp) syndrome.
A 18-year-old patient was admitted to our hospital because of difficulty swallowing, slurred speech, tingling of the extremities of the 4 limbs, and diplopia. He reported abdominal pain and diarrhea 2 weeks earlier. Physical examination showed a low-pitched voice, palsy elevation of the soft palate and complete palsy of the abduction of the left eye. Electromyography and cerebrospinal fluid examination were unremarkable, but Campylobacter jejuni serology was positive, and we found an isolated immunoglobulin G (IgG) anti-GT1a antibodies positivity. A diagnosis of ABPp was finally made, and the patient fully recovered early after receiving polyvalent immunoglobulins infusion.
ABPp is classified as subtype of GBS. The most frequent clinical signs of ABPp are ophthalmoplegia, facial palsy, and ataxia. IgG anti-GT1a and/or anti-GQ1b are positive in a majority of patients with ABPp; however, these antibodies are not specific and can found in other subtypes of GBS.

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