There was a concern that was raised regarding the teaching content from the general education curriculum to students with learning disabilities is whether they generalize the skills learned to typical performance settings keeping in view their special needs.

This study was a literature review of research studies that taught content from the general education curriculum and assessed generalization of the target skill to determine whether the studies demonstrated a causal relationship between the intervention and the generalization-dependent variable, along with what forms of generalization were assessed, and also what strategies were incorporated into the interventions to promote generalized responding by study participants. 31 studies were identified on the search that met the initial selection criteria. Out of the total 31 studies, there were only 22 studies that demonstrated a causal relationship between the intervention and the acquisition-dependent variable, and only 4 of these studies demonstrated a causal relationship between the intervention and the generalization-dependent variable.

The study concluded through its findings that there exists a causal relationship between the intervention and the acquisition-dependent variable. The implications of the findings for future research are discussed.

