The study was done to explore patient experiences obtaining a medical abortion using an at-home telemedicine service operated by Marie Stopes Australia

Semistructured in-depth telephone interviews were conducted with a convenience sample of medical abortion patients. Interview data was then analyzed for themes relating to patient experiences prior to service initiation, during an at-home telemedicine medical abortion visit, and after completing the medical abortion

For data collection interview of 24 patients was done who obtained care via the at-home telemedicine medical abortion service. Patients selected at-home telemedicine due to convenience, ability to remain at home and manage personal responsibilities, and desires for privacy.

The study concluded that an at-home telemedicine model for medical abortion is a convenient and acceptable mode of service delivery that may reduce patient travel and out-of-pocket costs. Additional provider education about this model may be necessary in order to improve the continuity of patient care. Further study of the impacts of this model on patients is needed to inform patient care and determine whether such a model is appropriate for similar geographical and legal contexts.

