For a study, researchers sought to understand that the visible light spectrum’s blue region has the most energy. Greater strides in therapeutic use have been made as a result of recent knowledge of its prevalence and potential. Give up-to-date details on how blue light affects the skin, emphasizing its advantages and potential for usage as a therapeutic tool in dermatology. Using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines, a systematic review of the literature was conducted on the effect of blue light on the skin and blue light-based treatment approaches. About 60 of the 223 unique results from this search were chosen for analysis. Early findings support using blue light therapeutic approaches in managing superficial diffuse actinic porokeratosis and actinic cheilitis. Blue light therapy has been demonstrated to be effective for treating common dermatologic disorders like actinic keratosis, acne, skin infections, and psoriasis as a monotherapy or a component of a comprehensive treatment plan. Blue light’s benefits and therapeutic uses have been demonstrated in numerous areas. Blue light can be a viable, low-risk treatment option for several common and occasionally refractory skin conditions when used properly. To identify the proper use, additional standardization and monitoring should be investigated.

