CRSwNPs has several phenotypes. The purpose of this study was to evaluate CT findings associated with each CRSwNP phenotype.

Patient charts were retrospectively reviewed. Patient groups, including AFRS, AERD, CCAD, and CRSwNP not otherwise specified (CRSwNP NOS), were determined by standard criteria. The oldest CT scan available was reviewed for LM score, septal involvement of inflammatory disease, opacification of olfactory clefts, nasal cavity opacification, and oblique positioning of the middle turbinates. Nonparametric analyses of variance were performed with correction for multiple comparisons.

A total of 356 patients had scans available for review; 80 patients were categorized into the AFRS group, 101 in the AERD group, 43 in the CCAD group, and 132 in the CRSwNP NOS group. Septal inflammatory involvement and oblique middle turbinate orientation on CT scans were higher in both AERD patients and CCAD patients as compared to AFRS and CRSwNP NOS patients.

The study concluded through its findings that CRSwNP encompasses many subsets of disease, which have varying treatments and intraoperative findings. Preoperative CT findings can be used to differentiate between these groups to improve the prediction of diagnoses and patient counseling.

