A breast cancer (BC) patient treated with mastectomy has to decide whether or not to have immediate BR. This study aimed to assess decisional conflict in patients considering immediate breast reconstruction, and to identify factors associated with clinically significant decisional conflict (CSDC). Although a certain level of decisional conflict might be inherent when deliberately making a complex decision. All patients were invited for trial participation by their surgical oncologist, nurse specialist or BC nurse during a routine treatment consultation in which the possibility of immediate BR was discussed. The consultation with a plastic surgeon had to be scheduled at least three working days after the study invitation to allow patients to have sufficient time to complete the informed consent form. Eligible patients who were interested in participating completed the informed consent form and baseline questionnaire via an online platform.Decisional conflict was measured by the 16 item Decisional Conflict Scale (DCS) for which there is demonstrated reliability and validity. A total score is calculated, as well as five subscale scores (uncertainty (3 items), feeling informed (3 items), feeling clear about values (3 items), feeling supported (3 items) and effective decision making (4 items). Explanatory variables were included in the multivariable model if the association with the outcome was significant at p < .10.
As a conclusion we can say that, Twenty-eight patients were ineligible. Of the remaining 295 patients, 37 were not interested in participating. The informed consent form and baseline questionnaire were sent to 258 patients.
Ref link- https://www.thebreastonline.com/article/S0960-9776(20)30230-7/fulltext