Radiation therapy is a standard treatment for primary and metastatic cancers, although it is associated with a number of dermatological side effects that are underreported in the literature. The goal of this article was to conduct a literature analysis on cutaneous symptoms linked with radiation therapy in order to raise awareness of the cutaneous radiation therapy-related adverse effects. The Pubmed and Embase databases were used for this thorough literature review. Relevance and important evidence relating to cutaneous symptoms of radiation treatment were examined in studies. Radiation dermatitis, non-melanoma skin cancer, radiation-related angiosarcoma, morphea, bullous pemphigoid, lymphangioma circumscriptum, and pseudosclerodermatous panniculitis are the most often described cutaneous sequelae linked with radiation therapy. For many of these diseases, only case reports or case series exist, and large-scale cohort studies are lacking. Despite these restrictions, this review presents a wide spectrum of dermatological side effects related to radiation therapy.
Reference: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40257-020-00519-x