With tightening enforcement and restrictions amid the opioid epidemic, poppy seed tea is consumed as an alternative to mitigate the withdrawal symptoms or as a home remedy to relieve pain and stress. Previously published studies suggested the potential danger of consuming tea brewed with a moderate to a large amount of poppy seed. In this study, the effects of small quantity and repeat brewing on opiate concentrations were evaluated. A dispersive-micro solid phase extraction facilitated by magnetic carbon nanotubes (Mag-CNTs/d-µSPE) was developed, optimized, successfully validated, and applied to ten poppy seed tea samples using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis. A total of ten poppy seed samples were evaluated in this work. Two grams of bulk poppy seeds were brewed with 6 mL of heated and acidified DI water three times. The brewed tea samples were subjected to the validated Mag-CNTs/d-µSPE/GC-MS analysis. The total mean opiate concentrations obtained from three brews were 1.1-1926, 20.2-311, and 9.0-100 mg/kg for morphine, codeine, and thebaine, respectively. The total opiate yields obtained from the small quantity brewing, i.e., 6 g seed in 18 mL tea, in this study may provide minimal analgesic and euphoric effects. Over 80% of the total opiate yield was extracted in the first brew with acidified deionized water from the 10 min brewing period, and opiate yields from the second and third brew were minimal. However, potential overdose could occur for some tea samples when scaled up to the starter quantity of seed suggested for new users.Published by Elsevier B.V.
About The Expert
Sun Yi Li
Madeleine J Swortwood
Jorn Chi Chung Yu