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Elevated Office Blood Pressure: Exploring the Effect of Adapted Mindfulness Training

Aug 07, 2023


Loucks EB, Schuman-Olivier Z, Saadeh FB, et al. Effect of adapted mindfulness training in participants with elevated office blood pressure: The MB-BP Study: a randomized clinical trial. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023;12(11):e028712. Available at:

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  • Eric B. Loucks, PhD

    Eric B. Loucks, PhD
    Associate Professor & Director
    Mindfulness Center
    Department of Epidemiology
    Department of Behavioral & Social Sciences
    Brown University School of Public Health

    Eric B. Loucks, PhD, developed Mindfulness‐Based Blood Pressure Reduction (MB‐BP) and was one of the three MB‐BP instructors for the study described in this article. He does not receive financial compensation related to MB‐BP. Conditions were put in place to limit his potential bias on study data interpretation. Send correspondence for Dr. Loucks to
