Researchers wanted to discuss new discoveries for a review. They wanted to determine how molecular diagnostics may be used to enhance the identification and selection of acceptable allergens for targeted immunotherapy, as well as to improve its safety. Because particular allergen immunotherapy is allergen-specific, identifying the disease-eliciting allergen is required for proper anti-allergic treatment prescription. When compared to skin prick testing and/or specific IgE determination with commercial extracts in areas of complex sensitization to aeroallergens or Hymenoptera venom allergy, the use of molecular diagnosis has demonstrated that it may change indication and selection of allergens for immunotherapy in a large proportion of patients. These modifications in immunotherapy prescription following molecular diagnosis have been shown to be cost-effective in several instances. Some patterns of sensitivity to grass or olive pollen allergens may indicate people at increased risk of adverse response during immunotherapy.

Molecular diagnostics, in conjunction with other techniques and patients’ clinical histories, can assist physicians in better choosing the most appropriate individuals and allergens for specialized immunotherapy and, in certain situations, forecast the probability of adverse responses.
