IUD contraception is a first-line option for young women. Researchers surveyed one hundred and nine nulliparous women who had an IUD placed at a student health clinic at 1, 6, 12, and 18 months after insertion.

Overall satisfaction was high; at the follow-up survey, 83% of 100 women were ‘happy’ or ‘very happy’ with their IUD. There were no differences in satisfaction between the two IUD types. Some 75% of participants stated that the insertion procedure went ‘very well’, despite 78% rating insertion pain as moderate to severe and 46% experiencing vasovagal symptoms. The 12-month continuation rate was 89%, with discontinuations for expulsion, side effects, lack of anticipated benefit, and pregnancy. Users of the Cu T 380A were more likely to have heavy menses or moderate to severe cramping than LNG-IUS users. There were no uterine perforations or diagnoses of pelvic inflammatory disease. The rate of failed insertions during the study period was 6.2%.

The study concluded that IUD contraception is safe, effective, and ultimately well-tolerated in nulliparous women despite significant insertion symptoms. The government should intrauterine contraception should be provided to this population in both university and community health settings.

Reference: https://srh.bmj.com/content/42/1/36
