There is a lack of appropriate reading material for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs) as most of the content is for a relatively younger population. Often, a book’s content is relevant to younger audiences, or its reading level is inaccessible.

This was a pilot study. The researchers determined which factors facilitate reading accuracy and comprehension for this population. For this study, they wrote and tested leveled texts that manipulated three variables complex versus simple words and syntax, a single illustration versus symbols accompanying each word, and engaging single versus multiple modalities when answering comprehension questions. 20 adult readers with IDD participated. It was observed that the Readers with IDDs made more errors while reading the complex and the symbol support books. The manipulations that were made did not facilitate reading comprehension.

The findings of this study support the use of straightforward text and illustrations in books for adults with IDD. After this pilot study, we need more studies on this phenomenon through more focused research will help us to create material that is accessible and enjoyable to this community.

