AERD is also known as Samter’s triad or aspirin (ASA)-intolerant asthma, affects 7% of asthmatics, and has a higher prevalence in those with chronic rhinosinusitis concomitant nasal polyposis. It has been shown to significantly impact symptom scores, polyp disease, and the need for systemic corticosteroids. However, no long-term studies have demonstrated whether ASA therapy remains safe and beneficial for these patients beyond 5–10 years.

This study was designed to determine the clinical course of AERD patients desensitized between 1995 and 2010.

A 20-question survey was distributed to patients who completed ASA desensitization between January 1995 and April 2010. The questions were designed to assess ASA safety and longitudinal effects of ASA therapy in AERD.

Of the 285 patients contacted, 92 completed the questionnaire. The average length of follow-up was 15 years. Of survey responders, 35 patients had discontinued ASA therapy. Although adverse reactions occurred, many were also suspended due to lack of efficacy or need for surgery. For those remaining on ASA, significant improvement in the sense of smell, asthma, sinus, and allergic rhinitis scores were noted. 

The study concluded that aspirin desensitization followed by daily maintenance ASA therapy appears to be safe and effective even after 10+ years of continuous use.

