Researchers conducted this study to assess and identify the risk factors and maternal and neonatal complications associated with placenta praevia.
The study design was an unmatched case-control study. Data was carefully extracted from medical records, reviewed, and analyzed. Unconditional logistic regression analysis was performed using AOR with 95% confidence intervals. Results. Pregnancies complicated by placenta praevia were 303. Six neonatal deaths were recorded in this study. The magnitude of placenta praevia observed was 0.7%. Advanced maternal age (≥35), multiparity, and the cesarean section’s previous history increased the odds of placenta praevia. Postpartum anemia and blood transfusion 1-3 units were major maternal complications associated with placenta praevia. Neonates born to women with placenta praevia were at increased risk of the respiratory syndrome, IUGR, and preterm birth.
Advanced maternal age, multiparity, and previous cesarean section histories were significantly associated risk factors of placenta praevia. Adverse maternal outcomes associated with placenta praevia were postpartum anemia and the need for blood transfusion. Neonates born from placenta praevia women were also at risk of being taken preterm, intrauterine growth restriction, and respiratory distress syndrome.