The frequency of IBD continues internationally to increase although the exact proportion of IBD patients remains unclear. The number of IBDs that are infected is still high. In Lothian, a defined health committee and the biggest of the three in Southeast Scotland, we conducted a population search utilizing a collecting and recapture technique for all IBD patients through 31 August 2018. The validation of individual cases was carried out according to globally acknowledged diagnostic and age criteria for all 24.601 probable cases of IBD. Of the 7035 verified individuals with point prevalence, 560 had been categorized at diagnosis as an A1 age phenotype, making up just 8% of the cases.

On August 31, 2018, 99 patients were under the age of 17, representing just 1,4% of all instances with severe prevalence. These data show that the actual number of prevalent IBD patients in the paedia sector has a very small proportion, reflecting the compounded prevalence of this chronic, incurable illness in adults and the almost-normal life expectancy.

