The large disparity in teenage human papillomavirus (HPV) uptake between China and Western nations highlights the need of conducting a thorough assessment of modifiable factors for parents’ decision-making. The current study looked at parents’ opinions of HPV vaccination for their children in China from a socioeconomic standpoint. In the fall of 2017, parents of 9- to 14-year-old teenagers who comprehended HPV vaccination answered our questionnaire survey. Based on structural equation modelling, researchers investigated the connection between 20 items’ knowledge, awareness, and intentions using a 7-point Likert scale, as well as the moderating effects of 5 socioeconomic factors. Female students’ parents are more likely to support HPV vaccination than male students’ parents. Parents of 12–14-year-old kids have better average knowledge and intention scores than parents of 9–11-year-old children. The average knowledge and awareness score of moms was lower than that of dads. The senior parents outperformed the other two groups in terms of knowledge and awareness. The annual household income plays a significant role in influencing knowledge, awareness, and intention. Knowledge and awareness were seen to be good predictors of intention, with awareness acting as a partial mediator.

To increase the acceptability of HPV vaccination among Chinese teenagers, governments should devise positive parenting techniques.

