HDMs and JCP characterize allergic rhinitis in Japan. Researchers did this study to investigate LAR in Japan. Researchers measured the total IgE and antigen-sIgE in inferior turbinate mucosa and examined their relationships with ST and NAPT and serum IgE levels.
Subjects were fifty rhinosinusitis patients for surgery. Researchers performed the skin test (ST) and measured serum total IgE and sIgE levels. Patients with class-0 serum anti-HDM or anti-JCP sIgE levels were subjected to NAPT with HDM or JCP, respectively, or both. In all patients, inferior turbinate mucosa was weighed and mashed, and total IgE and sIgE levels were then measured as a local mucosal date per gram and milligram. There is no clinical consensus on how to evaluate nasal sIgE yet. Researchers adopted Both the positive NAPT and detectable sIgE in obtained nasal mucosa as LAR diagnostic criteria to elucidate the possibility of LAR presence in Japan strictly.
The study concluded that JCP LAR was diagnosed in 2 of 14 patients and HDM LAR in 5 of 21 cases with rhinosinusitis symptoms in the absence of positive ST nor serum sIgE. The present results positively support LAR by HDM or JCP.
Reference: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1945892419868441