For a study, researchers sought to measure the glans and penile measurements of 1,023 boys with hypospadias for a study. The research looked at boys who had hypospadias surgery between 2016 and 2018. The children’s ages varied from 6 to 36 months. Boys who had already undergone surgery received hormone therapy or were older than 36 months were not eligible. According to the ICD and WHO classifications, hypospadias was classified as glandular (Grade I), distal (Grade II), proximal (Grade III), and perineal (Grade IV) (Grade-IV). Just before operative correction, the flaccid penile length (PL), dorsal glans length (DGL), ventral glans length (VGL), and glans width (GW) were measured in the operating room under anesthesia. In the study, small (GW) was defined as smaller than 14 mm. A total of 1,023 males were included in the study. About 273 had glandular hypospadias, 468 had distal hypospadias, 194 had proximal hypospadias, and 88 had perineal hypospadias. The average glans width was 14 mm, ranging from 8 to 20 mm. Granular hypospadias had a mean glans width of 14.0 mm (range 9–19 mm), distal hypospadias had a mean glans width of 14.0 mm (range 10–20 mm) (P>0.05), proximal hypospadias had a mean glans width of 13.1 mm (range 9–19 mm) (P<0.0001), and perineal hypospadias had a modest glans width was seen in 460 (45.0%) of all patients. It was 99 (36.3%) in glandular hypospadias, 167 (35.7%) in distal hypospadias, 111 (57.5%) in proximal hypospadias, and 83 (94.3%) in perineal hypospadias. Between the ages of 6 and 24 months, there was no significant difference in glans size (P>0.2), although there was a difference between patients older than 25 months (P<0.05). A tiny glans could be detected in roughly a third of distal hypospadias, two-thirds of proximal hypospadias, and over 90% of perineal hypospadias.
