Food allergens from tree nuts were a potent and frequent cause of IgE-mediated allergy responses. Because tree nuts were regarded as healthful, health organizations recommend consuming them. Nut allergies could cause serious and occasionally fatal reactions. Around the world, tree nut allergies were seen in up to 4.9% of people in general populations. In many nations, anaphylaxis and allergic responses have increased in frequency during the past 20 years. Most proteins linked to allergic reactions to tree nuts were from the vicilin, legumin, oleosin, 2S albumin, and lipid transfer protein families. Profilins and bet v 1 homologs caused tree nut allergies caused by pollen. Recent publications have systematically reviewed the literature and performed meta-analyses on the diagnostic efficacy of specific immunoglobulin E (sIgE) for commercially available nut components. When determining a child’s sensitivity to hazelnut, walnut, and cashews, IgE testing of the storage proteins Cor a 14, Cor a 9, Jug r 1, and Ana o 3 improves diagnostic specificity. There had been reports of tree nut allergies clearing up, but there weren’t enough studies to back up these claims. The best action for people with nut allergies is to avoid all nuts completely. It could lead to a very restricted diet, though, and was challenging to accomplish. When dining out due to the possibility of cross-contamination, patients should refrain from consuming nuts that they were confident were safe. Modern healthy diets then included nuts, and the growing use of nuts was reflected in an increase in nut allergies.