Researchers focused on the survey of women who had undergone more than one abortion. The researchers did this study to examine influencing factors in women’s post-abortion reproductive behavior, in addition to exploring abortion-related stigma, in the light of participants’ narratives.

The present study was a mixed-methods research study. A quantitative survey of four hundred and thirty women and in-depth qualitative interviews with thirty-six women had undergone one or more abortions. This article focuses on the qualitative data from two subsets of young women, those interviewed twice and those who had experienced more than one unintended pregnancy.

The qualitative research findings demonstrate the complexity of women’s contraceptive histories and reproductive lives. Thus, the inherent difficulty of establishing causal patterns for more than one abortion is beyond the obvious observation that participants did not use contraception effectively. Women who had experienced more than one abortion did, however, express intensified abortion shame.

This article argues that categorizing women who have an abortion differently depending on previous episodes is not helpful. It may also be damaging and generate increased stigma for women who have more than one abortion.

