For a study, researchers sought to find that cosmetic anti-aging therapies, by their very nature, carry a risk of unfavorable events. Alopecia is an undiagnosed condition, whether it is transient or permanent. This can be attributed to a variety of reasons, such as pressure, ischemia, inflammation, and necrosis. Alopecia post-cosmetic treatment has been reported in patients who underwent mesotherapy, hyaluronic acid filler, deoxycholic acid, and botulinum toxin injections. The causes of post-cosmetic treatment alopecia that are now understood were discussed in this review, along with how it is acquired. The hazards of unlicensed mesotherapy injections used for cosmetic reasons were also highlighted in this review, as is the rise in baldness reports due to these procedures. A comprehensive examination of the literature from 2000 to 2022 was performed using the terms “alopecia,” “cosmetic procedures,” “mesotherapy,” and “hyaluronic acid.” The authors’ literature review found a total of 10 publications to meet their criteria. Many of the procedures either entirely or partially cure alopecia. Alopecia is 1 of the unreported side effects of cosmetic injection procedures. Therefore, it was necessary to conduct more research on the possibility of acquiring alopecia after receiving mesotherapy and other injection therapies.

