The treatment of lung cancer is mostly determined by the histologic type and stage of the tumor, with supraclavicular (SCLN) involvement representing inoperable illness. According to the research, palpation alone is not sensitive enough to detect SCLN illness; hence, additional modalities such as ultrasonography might be employed to detect an enlarged nonpalpable lymph node. We provide a study of ten patients who had an ultrasound and fine-needle aspiration of SCLNs presenting for bronchoscopy and endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration for suspected malignant abnormalities in the lung. 

We proved that SCLN ultrasonography was practical and resulted in 90% histopathologic diagnosis while avoiding bronchoscopy in 90% of patients. To summarize, we believe that ultrasonic fine-needle aspiration of SCLN is possible and can be highly diagnostic in these high-risk individuals.

