YouTube’s online archive of video testimonials is more viewed related to health information than those developed by clinicians and professional groups, suggesting the importance of the patient experience to viewers. The researchers examine the accuracy of the information on and projected acceptability of the IUD from these YouTube testimonials.

YouTube videos about individual uploaders’ IUD experiences, using the search terms intrauterine device, IUD, Mirena, and Paragard were searched.

Researchers initially identified 86 videos. Four videos featured clinicians and were excluded. After initial screening, 62 videos met inclusion criteria. Interrater agreement on IUD portrayal was good. Young, white, nulliparous women primarily uploaded content. Most described the LNG-IUS placement were posted within one month of insertion and mentioned side effects – bleeding, pain, and partner sensation of the strings. About one-third of videos contained inaccurate information and were thought to project an overall negative experience. Videos portraying IUDs negatively were associated with erroneous information and mention of side effects.

The study concluded that while one-third of IUD user testimonials on YouTube contained inaccurate information, the majority of IUD experiences were perceived by our study viewers to be positive.

