From September to November 2018, a cross-sectional analysis of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine legislation and regulations from states and the District of Columbia in the United States (U.S.) was undertaken to enhance assessments of policy effect on HPV vaccination uptake. WestlawNext, a legal research database, was used to do the search. Statutes and regulations relevant to the study were examined and classified into 10 general coding questions and many sub-topics depending on their legal characteristics. 93 of the 212 legislation found using the first search query mention HPV vaccination in statute or regulation. Following a further review, three more statutes were added. There were 52 legislation and 44 regulations from 34 states and the District of Columbia in all. The majority of legislation concerned the development and distribution of HPV vaccination information for parents, as well as methods to pay and reimburse vaccination. 

This study can be utilised by policymakers in jurisdictions considering incorporating HPV vaccine promotion measures in state legislation, as well as emphasising the limited legislative and regulatory initiatives to encourage HPV vaccination. This study may also be used to assess the success of legislative and regulatory initiatives for improving HPV vaccination rates.

