Asthma varies significantly in incidence and severity over the lifetime. The objective of this study is to examine new research on the drivers of the natural history of asthma in children, as well as the reason for and status of major attempts to change its path. Variations in microbial exposure are linked to an increased risk of allergy illness, and the use of bacterial lysates might be a potential preventative approach. Air pollution appears to be more harmful during pregnancy and early childhood, and measures to minimize pollution are possible and result in therapeutic benefit. E-cigarette usage may have a role in harm reduction for traditional cigarette users with asthma, but it has unknown short- and long-term consequences that need to be explained. Vitamin D deficiency during the first six years of life is linked to an increased risk of asthma, and vitamin D supplementation lowers the risk of severe exacerbations.

The discovery of risk factors for the development, persistence, and severity of asthma will continue to lead attempts to change the disease’s natural history. Researchers examined many potential techniques that are currently being researched. Vitamin D supplementation and air pollution reduction have been demonstrated to be beneficial treatments that merit further research and implementation.

