For a study, it was determined that pathways leading to psychosis in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome (22q11.2DS) focused on intensive research during the last two decades. The scale was used by many centers practicing 22q11.2DS; the inter-site reliability of the scale in this population was never been established. The researchers, experienced clinical assessors from 3 large international centers practicing 22q11.2DS independently rated video recordings of 18 adolescents and young adults with 22q11.2DS. The intraclass correlations coefficients (ICCs) among three raters for the SOPS total scores, as well as for the positive, negative, and disorganization subscale scores, were good-to-excellent (ICCs range 0.73–0.93). The raters were also able to reliably determine the subjects’ subthreshold syndrome status (ICC=0.71). The reliability of individual items was good-to-excellent for all things, ranging from 0.61 for motor disturbances [G3] to 0.95 for bizarre thinking. The researchers showed that trained clinicians could reliably screen for subthreshold psychotic symptoms in individuals with 22q11.2DS. To increase assessment reliability, researchers suggested specific clarifications and simplifications to the standard SIPS interview for future outlines.