The current definition of chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) in recent decades,  has rapidly grown. The CRS-based classification represents the underlying pathophysiology more precisely and better controls care. The targets for inflammatory eosinophil, which drives this subtype of CRS, are corticosteroids. Sampling tissues are not always usable or accessible and replacement markers are intended to identify this CRS endotype. The objective of the study is to evaluate existing eosinophilic (eCRS) diagnostics systemic predictors.

Blood eosinophils are a mild eCRS substitute forecast. ESRS predicted more than 0,24 blood eosinophils per 109 / l per high-powered field with a tissue eosinophilia of more than ten eosinophils. Furthermore, the need for long-term systemic therapies after endoscopic sinus surgery has been shown to count blood eosinophil more than 0.45 = 109/l. Other biomarkers examined included IgE, cationic eosinophilic proteins, neurotoxins derivatives of eosinophil, peroxidase of eosinophil, periostin, eotaxin-3, and IL- 16.

The predictive use of biomarkers in eCRS remains limited. However, the eosinophilic density that better predicts the phenotype eCRS is the peripheral eosinophilia. Moreover, more intensive treatment is also predicted. The most reliable tissue for evaluation is still simple Hematoxylin and Eosin stained sinus mucosa and is more attainable than bronchial biopsies.

