There are several different UV filters that may be used in sunscreen products. Since these goods may be found in the internet marketplace and may be mentioned in future FDA monographs when a move to an administrative order procedure occurs, knowledge of UV filters that are sold both domestically and internationally is still crucial.
All UV filters authorized by the US and EU had their mechanisms and safety data examined. The US FDA has authorized 17 UV filters, while the EU has approved 16 more. About 88.2% (15/17) of the US filters were organic, 11.8% (2/17) were inorganic, 35.3% (6/17) were broad-spectrum, 52.9% (9/17) were UVB-only, 11.8% (2/17) were UVA-only. 16/17, or 94.1%, have human data available. All (100%, 16/16) of the filters that were only available in the EU are organic. The remaining 50% (8/16) included data mostly pertaining to physiochemical or toxicological characteristics, leaving 50% (8/16) with human data. Of these UV filters, which were solely available in the EU, 43.75% (7/16) cover UVA alone, 50% (8/16) just UVB, and 6.25% (1/16) only UVB.
The analysis showed that the EU had a fascinating selection of cutting-edge UV filters with extended possibilities for coverage of all types of UV light. Importantly, the majority of sunscreens in the US and the EU only had a small amount of human data accessible due to historically lax regulations for such data.
As the FDA modifies its criteria on the data requirements for sunscreens to be widely acknowledged as safe and effective, the information will probably soon be available in the US.