While the nutritional advantages of fruits and vegetables are extolled by internet health gurus, wheat is frequently demonized. This study will evaluate the favorable nutritional advantages of plant foods in connection to allergy prevention, the effectiveness of gluten avoidance, and the likelihood of anaphylaxis to fruits and vegetables. Despite the fact that the number of persons reporting gluten sensitivity is increasing, reliable proof of widespread gluten sensitivity is lacking. In addition, avoiding wheat-containing meals may result in nutritional imbalance and impacts on the gut microbiota. The evidence that fruits and vegetables protect against allergy development is inconclusive, however fruit juices may cause favorable changes in gut microbiota. Fruits and vegetables can induce severe allergic responses, especially when lipid transfer proteins are present, although this is not a Mediterranean occurrence and is not restricted to peaches.

These findings highlight the need of keeping an open mind regarding reported responses to plant foods in order to make the proper diagnosis and optimize nutrition to avoid any negative consequences of avoidance on the gut microbiota.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2017/10000/When_nutrition_and_allergy_collide__the_rise_of.5.aspx
