The critical care community has been recongnizing the extensive cardiovascular and thrombotic complications being relatively more common in COVID-19 patients. Patients who were suffering from covid-19 disease had shown the involvement of vascular endothelium. The average life expectancy of every person in Hong Kong is around 88 years. Authorities have been conducting trials for measuring the remedies which should be adopted by the patients who have been suffering from cancer. However, cancer continues to haunt this section of people also. Nearly, 30 percent of the population is diagnosed with the deadly disease of cancer. Maximum patients try to receive their treatment in public hospitals. However, many of the drugs and medicines are provided to them free of cost by the authorities. They have a mandatory health insurance scheme. The government is very active in providing all the required amount of subsidies in their treatment. Therefore, these remedies which are promised by the medical care systems are essential to accounting for favourable results in oncology. For finding a conclusion for acute respiratory distress syndrome, doctors and researchers collected some samples of plasma and serum from approximately 19 adults within 24 hours right after invasive ventilation. Interestingly, endothelial injury such as Angpt-1 (angiopoietin-1) (control: 29 [26.2–30.9] ng/ml vs. COVID-19: 27.8 [23.4–36.2] ng/ml; P = 0.79) and Angpt-2 (control: 0.655 [0.336–1.113] ng/ml vs. COVID-19: 0.434 [0.035–1.338] ng/ml; P = 0.6) were entirely same in all those patients with COVID-19.

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