Streptococcus pneumoniae contributes to aggravation, hospitalisation, and death in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPDs) and congestive cardiac insufficiency (CHF). The main cause of it is the Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP). In patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) the risk of CAP is elevated and in HIV-infected patients the risk of invasive pneumococcal disease increases. For these patients in France, pneumococcal vaccine is suggested. The aim was a major study by general practitioners (GPs) in these patients, in France, on the coverage of pneumococcal vaccination. The principal endpoint was to compare PVC during the trial with the control periods in adult patients diagnosed as COPD, CHF, DM and HIV infections.

1023 of the 17,865 and 4,690 patients listed were vaccinated. During the study time, PVC in HIV-infected patients was slightly higher and in DM and than in other patients. PVC did not rise by study years and rose more by time after diagnosis.

pneumoniae is solely responsible for some CAP and meningitis, and the effects can be explained in terms of inadequate vaccine safety, physician hesitation and patient reluctance. In order to improve PVC in France, new technologies and/or techniques must be applied.

