Vedolizumab was used off-label in children, although evidence was scarce. Researchers conducted a systematic review to assess the efficacy and safety of vedolizumab in children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Until December 3rd, 2021, the PubMed, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases were carefully searched for trials of vedolizumab in children and adolescents with IBD that reported clinical remission, response, CS-free remission, mucosal healing, or safety. A total of 455 patients were involved in 10 investigations. Clinical remission rates for CD were 25% (19/75) at 6 weeks, 28% (25/85) at 14 weeks, 32% (17/53) at 22 weeks, and 46% (43/92) at 1 year. Clinical remission rates for UC/IBD-U were 36% (25/70) at 6 weeks, 48% (52/101) at 14 weeks, 53% (24/45) at 22 weeks, and 45% (50/112) at 1 year. Investigators discovered mucosal healing in 17% to 39% of CD patients and 15% to 34% of UC/IBD-U patients. Severe adverse events were recorded by 6% of patients. According to low-quality evidence based on the case series, around one-third and half of CD and UC/IBD-U patients obtained remission within 22 weeks, respectively, and about half of patients sustained remission at 1 year with a good safety profile. Long-term benefit profile data and evidence of high quality were required.
