People with allergic rhinitis also report loss of energy and concentration issues; however, the association remains controversial. Researchers conducted this study to assess whether the loss of energy and concentration difficulty is related to allergic rhinitis. The study design used was a cross-sectional study.

The study consisted of 100 patients with allergic rhinitis and 96 healthy subjects at secondary care allergy outpatients. Loss of energy and concentration difficulty was assessed through a survey using the BDI-II.

The average BDI-II score was higher in the allergic rhinitis population than in the healthy controls. The frequencies of loss of energy and concentration difficulty were higher in patients with allergic rhinitis. The prevalence of depression was 0% in the control group and 38% in the case group. Allergic rhinitis and depression were independently associated with loss of energy, odds ratio (OR) = 2.55, P = .005, OR = 9.61, P = .001, respectively, concentration difficulty.

This study is one of the first studies in Latin America to report an independent association of allergic rhinitis with loss of energy and concentration difficulty.

