Atopy has been suggested in CRS development, as AR is a common coexisting disease in pediatric and adult patients with CRS. The contribution of AR to CRS is less clear to date.

Researchers did this study to determine the atopic profile of children with CRS and the impact of atopic status on disease severity and quality of life.

One hundred ten patients, aged between seven and eighteen, diagnosed with CRS based on history, detailed clinical examination including nasal endoscopic examination, were included in this cross-sectional study. Patients underwent a skin prick test against 65 common aeroallergens for evidence of atopy.

Positive skin prick test to at least one of the common aeroallergens was present in 58 patients. Patients of CRS with atopy had a higher mean Lund Mackay endoscopic score and SN-5 score than nonatopic patients, which was statistically significant.

The study concluded that testing for aeroallergen sensitivity and assessing the quality of life should be included in the protocol for diagnosis and management of pediatric patients with CRS. Early diagnosis and treatment of allergy may halt CRS’s progression and develop asthma and other allergic multimorbid disorders.

