Approximately 8% of the population is affected by autoimmune disorders. T1DM is associated with other autoimmune illnesses (AIDs), such as autoimmune thyroid disease or Addison’s disease (AD), which may have an influence on diabetes management and prognosis. The Prospective Diabetes Follow-up Registry was used to evaluate demographic and clinical features of additional AIDs in T1DM from a large standardised registry (DPV). Researchers examined the registry for T1DM patients who also had Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), Graves’ disease (GD), and/or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). T1DM with additional AIDs was compared to T1DM alone. Approximately 8% of the population is affected by autoimmune disorders. T1DM is associated with other autoimmune illnesses (AIDs), such as autoimmune thyroid disease or Addison’s disease (AD), which may have an influence on diabetes management and prognosis. The Prospective Diabetes Follow-up Registry was used to evaluate demographic and clinical features of additional AIDs in T1DM from a large standardised registry (DPV). 

When compared to solitary T1DM, T1DM with additional AIDs exhibits diverse variations. T1DM along with AD or HT need additional insulin. Furthermore, neuropathy is more common in HT or GD, but microalbuminuria is less common.


