Reachers conducted this study to assess compliance with the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists guidelines regarding screening for and treating Chlamydia trachomatis before vaginal termination of pregnancy (VTOP) and surgical evacuation of retained products of conception (ERPC).

The researchers examined the case notes of women undergoing VTOP and ERPC in the authors’ department for evidence of C. trachomatis infection’s presence and identification of chlamydia risk factors and curative treatment confirmed disease or prophylactic therapy for women at risk.

There were thirty total participants in the VTOP group. The researchers carried out screening and treatment satisfactorily, aided by an assessment proforma on the VTOP group. In the ERPC group, there were also thirty participants. There were weaknesses in identifying and treating patients at risk. These identified weaknesses must be overcome to provide the best treatment to the patients.

The study concluded that the use of a proforma helps to achieve effective screening. Adequate risk assessment of women undergoing ERPC seems challenging to complete, so the universal administration of prophylactic antibiotics might be a safe and efficient option until the National Chlamydia Screening Programme is established in our area. 

