The increasing prevalence of allergic respiratory disease and bronchial asthma over the last decades can be explained by changes in the environment, with an increase in the presence of biologic, such as allergens, and chemical atmospheric trigger factors capable of stimulating sensitization and symptoms of these diseases. Many studies have found that climate change is causing changes in the generation, dispersion, and allergen content of pollen and spores, as well as an increase in the effect of aeroallergens on allergic patients.

Global Earth’s temperature has risen significantly during the previous 50 years, most likely due to increased anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations. Major changes in the atmosphere and climate, particularly human-caused global warming, have a significant influence on the biosphere and human habitat. Urbanization and high levels of vehicle emissions are associated with an increase in the frequency of pollen-induced respiratory allergies in persons living in cities compared to those living in rural regions. Mitigation measures must be implemented to reduce the future consequences of climate change on our planet, but adaptation to the impacts of future climatic variability will still be necessary until global emissions continue to grow.

