For a study, it was determined that Allergic conjunctivitis was an inflammation of the conjunctiva caused by IgE. Although histamine is a primary mediator in this illness, topical antihistamines frequently only provide temporary relief. Therapeutic drugs that targeted the disease’s inflammatory cascades were ideal, especially in situations of chronic and severe allergic conjunctivitis. The mechanism of action and clinical effectiveness of these novel therapy armamentarium were discussed by the researchers for a study. Anti-inflammatory characteristics were found in certain second-generation antihistamines, including reduction of histamine release from mast cells and interference with the synthesis of cytokines and adhesion molecules by cord blood and conjunctival mast cells. Ketotifen, epinastine, and olopatadine were three of the more interesting of these agents, and they had been discussed by the researchers. Cromolyn, nedocromil, topical corticosteroids, and immunotherapy, particularly sublingual immunotherapy, were some of the other treatments investigated in the study. Finally, the study focused on cyclosporine A and tacrolimus, immunomodulators that have been widely explored with promising outcomes in the treatment of severe conjunctivitis such as atopic and vernal keratoconjunctivitis.
For the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis, a variety of immunomodulatory treatments were available. Patients with allergic conjunctivitis, particularly those on the severe end of the range, benefited from these treatment options because they improved therapeutic outcomes.