In the wake of finishing this article, the reader should be able to do three things:

  1. Talk about the job of radiation treatment for advanced-stage endometrial cancer. This, in turn, would allow them to distinguish between patients who ought to receive only radiation therapy and patients who need chemotherapy and/or surgery alongside the radiation therapy. 
  2.  Assess the role of surgery for stage IV and repetitive endometrial cancer. As such, they can choose the patients who will reap the most benefits from cytoreductive surgery.
  3.  Assess the role of chemotherapy, especially in relation to radiotherapy, in advanced stage endometrial carcinoma; and, thus, choose suitable patients multimodality therapy.

A heterogeneous group of patients comprises women with repetitive or advanced endometrial cancer. Women may be fitting candidates for surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or hormonal therapy contingent upon past treatment. Local and systemic therapies might also be suitable for women who are diagnosed with advanced-stage disease. The researchers go over the treatment choices accessible for treating both locally advanced and repetitive endometrial cancer.

The patient’s performance status, localization of the illness, and past treatment history as well as the tumor’s hormonal receptor status all have had a great effect on one’s treatment options. Radiation therapy was suitable for the patients who have no past history of radiation therapy and were diagnosed with isolated vaginal repetitions. Progestin therapy might be used to treat patients who had recurring tumors with overexpressing progesterone and estrogen receptors. For patients with receptor-negative tumors, dispersed repetitions, or advanced-stage illness at presentation, systemic therapy might be a suitable option. The researchers went over the multitude of various treatment procedures accessible to patients with recurrent or advanced endometrial cancer.
