Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) is a non-IgE-mediated food hypersensitivity that mostly affects babies and toddlers. There were limited studies on the pathophysiology of FPIES that indicate a local intestinal imbalance of TNF- and TGF-. Patients usually exhibit numerous symptoms, including projectile, recurrent emesis, dehydration, apathy, and failure to grow. Regardless of the severity of the presentation, the diagnosis was typically delayed, and patients frequently undergo lengthy and invasive assessments before being diagnosed. Reviews published in the recent year give a broad approach to FPIES diagnosis and management, with the goal of increasing FPIES knowledge and comprehension among general doctors.

To assess and change the oral meal challenge criteria, multicenter studies were required. To give insight into the evidence-based approach to diagnosis and therapy of FPIES, research into the pathophysiology of FPIES responses was required. To further understand the phenotype, causes, and prevalence of FPIES, registries were required.,_etiology,_and_diagnosis_of_food.10.aspx
