Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common chronic illnesses in the United States. Diabetes, if left unchecked, may have disastrous consequences. Diabetes drugs and medical equipment accounted for a considerable portion of the significant financial cost that the condition imposed on afflicted patients and society. For a review, researchers presented a comprehensive evaluation of the cutaneous side effects of diabetic drugs and devices, as well as insight into risk factors and prevention, as well as an overview of therapeutic operation.

Along with a huge economic burden, diabetes drugs, and medical equipment have a slew of cutaneous side effects. Despite the huge and growing number of diabetics and the widespread use of associated drugs and medical equipment, there was a paucity of literature that adequately described their cutaneous side effects. These cutaneous side effects were crucial because they could impair glucose management, raise illness discomfort, as well as increase the risk of related complications. 

As a result, it was critical that doctors notice these cutaneous side effects, identify the causative agents, and manage them appropriately. A focus was made on clinical identification and treatment for use by medical clinicians who had to treat patients with diabetes regardless of the practice environment.

