The manner and timing with which solid meals are introduced to babies may have an impact on growth, obesity, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, and metabolic illness. The effects of solid food introduction on the development of food allergies are the most hotly contested. In recent years, prospective studies on the impact of early vs. delayed introduction of allergenic foods into babies’ diets on food allergy have been published for the first time. According to these research, early peanut exposure may be a powerful protective factor against peanut allergy in some risk groups. This does not appear to be the case with wheat, cow’s milk, sesame, or whitefish. The impact of early egg exposure on egg allergy is debatable.

Recent research has altered the practice suggestions offered to families by healthcare practitioners. Researchers look at how international organisations’ guidelines on the introduction of solid meals have changed, both for the general population and for infants at risk of allergy.

