Acne vulgaris aetiology is still a work in progress. Numerous variables, including genetic, hormonal, inflammatory, and environmental effects, are known to influence acne pathophysiology. Diet has been a part of the acne conversation for decades because of its significance in several of these aspects. Several studies have examined the importance of the glycemic index of various foods and glycemic load in acne patients, finding that persons with acne who consume low glycemic load diets had fewer acne lesions than individuals who consume high glycemic load diets. Dairy has also been studied in terms of dietary effects on acne; whey proteins, which are responsible for milk’s insulinotropic actions, may contribute to acne development more than fat or dairy content. Other studies have looked at the effects of omega-3 fatty acid and -linoleic acid consumption in people who have acne, and they found that people with acne benefit from diets high in fish and healthy oils, which increases omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid intake. 

Recent research into the benefits of probiotic administration in acne patients yields encouraging results; nevertheless, more research into the effects of probiotics on acne is required to back up the findings of these preliminary studies. This study addresses the existing information on the diets of acne patients in the United States and how they may affect acne and acne therapy.


