PAR often coexists in asthmatic patients. ICP was reportedly influential in ameliorating PAR.

The present study investigated whether ICP is equally effective as intranasal corticosteroids in improving asthma control and nasal symptoms among children with PAR and AA.

Researchers did a single-center, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. The primary outcome was a change in C-ACT score from baseline to week eight posttreatment. Changes in spirometry, PEF, FeNO, and VAS for nasal and ocular symptoms were detected as secondary outcomes.

We included 121 patients in the full analysis set. C-ACT score was markedly higher at week eight compared with baseline. There were interactions between baseline and treatment in C-ACT scores. Group B demonstrated a more significant improvement in C-ACT scores than group C among children with baseline C-ACT scores of 6 to 18. 95% confidence intervals of group A at baseline overlapped with those of groups B and C. The treatment achieved reduced VAS symptoms in groups A and B but not in group C. Incidence of adverse events was comparable.

ICP could be recommended for children with PAR and AA who have more inadequate asthma control.

