The main purpose of this study was to find out the effects of Schroth therapy on the thoracic curve angle, SPBI or pain on the back for the Scheuermann’s patients. Scheuermann is one of the most common causes of hyperkyphosis of the thoracolumbar and thoracic spine. Therefore, to find out the effect of schroth therapy 50 adults including both genders with Scheuermann’s disease have been taken. They have been divided randomly into two different treatment procedures. Some were sent to normal control therapy and some to the experimental team of Schroth therapy treatment. Patients from both the teams were provided proper treatment according to their type of treatment for a few weeks. they were asked to do the exercise on a daily basis for a period of 1 year with one appointment every week to show the improvement. 

As a result of this study, the researchers have come to the conclusion that based on the data they have collected from those 50 patients, Schroth therapy is more effective  than the normal exercise in order to improve the symptomatic representation and thoracic Cobb angle of Scheuermann’s patients. Therefore study proves the effectiveness of schroth  therapy over thoracic kyphotic curve.

