Eosinophil otitis media (EOM) is an intractable media of otitis that is characterised by the infiltration of a large number of eosinophils into the middle ear cavity of an upper airway. EOM demonstrates a high prevalence of asthma comorbidity. They are thought to have a link between ‘one airway, one illness.’ This study will outline here the current information on EOM characteristics, the relationship between EOM and asthma and the effectiveness of EOM optimum care. The more asthmatic it is, the more the growth of EOM is pronounced. In asthmatics, asthma management is typically ineffective, and a sufficient increase in asthma inhalation treatment leads to improved asthma inhalation. The gravity of EOM can be split into low, moderate and heavy. For mild EOM, intratympanic infusion treatment with a topical steroid is efficacious; for mild EOM, in addition to triamcinolone acetonide, moderate EOM needs systemic steroids, and extreme EOM develops granulation tissue that demands surgical elimination. The efficacy of molecularly targeted drugs has recently been confirmed, but further evidence needs to be collected.

EOM is closely connected with asthma. For the treatment of EOM, optimal treatment of asthma is necessary. Therapy is being established that is proportionate to the magnitude of EOM.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2020/02000/Eosinophilic_otitis_media_and_comorbid_asthma.3.aspx
