Due to improved intensive indoor production facilities aimed at improving market readiness and profit, modern food animal production is a significant contributor to the world economy. As a result of these advancements, dust, gases, and microbiological products accumulate, reducing air quality within manufacturing facilities. In animals and workers, chronic inhalation exposure contributes to the onset and aggravation of respiratory symptoms and illnesses. The study examines the research on the components of farm animal production facility dust, animal reactions to production building and organic dust exposure, and the influence of chronic inhalation exposure on pulmonary oxidative stress and infection. Porcine models of the manufacturing facility and organic dust exposure show startling parallels to findings of human cells, tissues, and clinical data. Oxidative stress is a significant mediator of respiratory illnesses in both animals and humans, and increasing antioxidant levels with dietary supplements can improve respiratory health.

Pigs are highly acclimated to the exposures found in swine production facilities, making them good models for facility personnel. Parallel comparisons between farmers and the animals they produce may provide insight into the mechanisms regulating organic dust-related respiratory illnesses.

Reference: https://journals.lww.com/co-allergy/Abstract/2015/04000/Farm_animal_models_of_organic_dust_exposure_and.6.aspx
